Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Final Project Update

So today was an eventful and important day. Today I worked on my module descriptions for the SceneManager (which handles BVHierarchy which will be BSP), my rendering which I am really confident about and I can already visualize how all the systems will work with all renderable objects. I got some really good insight from Lee Wood today about how to organize all my renderable objects by context using the handle to each technique for shaders. I also came to the big decision of completely ditching collada and going with all the code that i have done from RTA and ED2 with the animation exporter and static scene exporter using Maya C++ API library. It kind of sucks cause I spent a couple days on the collada parser using C# and i got all the geometry data like verts, normals, and uvs going. Oh well maybe someother time. Some challenges that I am currently working on are the animation system, I am getting some help from the nice people from Team Avant-Garde. I know all the coders from their team and I feel sharing tech and ideas for code structure could benefit both teams. Big props to them, go visit their facebook page @ Also today I talked with one of my artist peeps, Derek. I saw an opportunity to optimize texture switching for shaders by putting both the diffuse and normal textures in one file and using the UVs to switch from both. In our game, were going to use multi-texturing for our island grass/sand textures in certain areas. Near the ocean, sand, closer to the middle we have grass textures and inbetween we have multi-texturing. Since our island will be a mound, I'm going to have my artist put 2 planes on the y-axis so I know where to use the certain textures on which triangles. Anyway I hope I make some progress with the animation engine because i will take out a big obstacle for our game.

Monday, March 29, 2010

First Post

So I'm sitting in GPA lab, about to have my first programmer meeting, we need to clear some stuff up with all the coders we have on our team.