Monday, April 26, 2010

End of the coming month.

So today was Proof of Concept day for our whole entire game studio. We had the honor of having almost everyone in GP staff play our games and give us feed back. I think for the most part we did "ok" but we won't know till tomorrow when we speak to our internal producer Carlos and our art director Chopps.

Today I ate Crispers with Phil which I haven't in a really long time. They brought back the pick-a-pair but I had a flatbread with salad which is just a regular item on the menu. I thought the food was and I want to try and eat there more often since I have been gaining weight from not exercising. I have been eating very bad the last 3 months so I need to look out and find the time to go to the gym.

Before Proof of Concept, I honestly was freaking out for the past 4-5 days. I feel this sprint/milestone I had way too many tasks and I shouldn't of done both rendering and animations. I think the way I made the rendering was pretty complicated and more sensible for a long term game. The render engine I built was for a bigger scale game but I do still think that it will come out on top depending on how many shader effects we use since the context sorting and batch rendering will come in handy. I feel like I let all the artists down because I didn't have time or the energy to put all the animations they made during this sprint/milestone into our PoC build. I would of liked to get them all in so their hard work could be shown off to the GP staff. I am really sorry guys, I take all the blame :( This leads me to realizing all the weakness I have in the group. Although I am some what a good programmer, I do have some major flaws that annoy people in our group. For instance, Justice, who I think should be our gameplay lead, really hates the fact that I don't do any of the documentation work until the last minute and the fact that I don't read any of our documentation. I definitely need to get that stuff out of the way so I don't piss him off in that area. Another would be how I don't do my tasks to priority, I didn't implement the animation system until the 11th hour which was one of my major tasks. I honestly got lucky because it could of taken all night throughout the morning to get that system up and running. I'm lucky that it got up and running on the 4th try. I definitely need to accommodate my animation system so changing animations are more versatile and there is a lot more functionality.

Tomorrow our group is going to finish up the tech doc, were going to try to schedule all the way to the beta milestone, and redesign some of the systems in our game for the long run. I definitely learned a lot last sprint and I am hoping to get things done in a more efficient manner. I've also realized that listening to my favorite music group's online radio podcast "Trance Around the World" has kept me programming in an efficient manner. I need to get better headphones since my Sennheiser's plug keeps falling out of the audio port in my labtop.

I can already see the tasks that I would like to do for this milestone. Convert our model exporting and importing to binary as well as exporting the AABB and sphere bounding volumes, write an edge detection shader and maybe a cel shading one, which requires a light source/shading, move the smooth skinning math to the shader since Ben made the character model 6k polygons. Add better functionality to the animations system with the ChangeAnimation function for the actor class. Also I need to combine all the mesh and model data into one so Justice doesn't have like 5 pointers to access vert data. If I have time, I would like to begin to start context sorting and frustum culling with AABBs.

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