Monday, April 19, 2010

A lot of things to do.

So today was a really hectic and busy day for me. I have a good grasp on the rendering system and i hope it will improve with more iterations. Render nodes are definitely getting revised and more closer to usable code than abstract then I had before. Each render node contains a reference to a model w/ animation controller or static mesh (both with a reference to a vertex declaration), a reference to the transform, a reference to the id, a reference to the shader technique, a bool to tell if it is transparent, and a function pointer. I definitely need to getting stuff up and rendering, the pressure is definitely on now because of our external producer making a deadline for Wednesday to have our game be playable. This means that everyday will be an overnighter for me to push working code out. I am avoiding code that will not last the long run and has no chance of being refactored or reused.

Another highlight today was getting to meet an industry programmer who is taking part in a new Residency program @ full sail to help and give feedback to senior students in final project. He provides help and advice to anything the students might be going through during development. We realized in our team that I wasn't able to get much done because every 10-15 minutes people would ask me questions either because they wanted my opinion or advice or because they needed to know information with rendering in our game, which is a huge part of our game. Brian advised that maybe next sprint I could play more of a support role to other programmers who could be tasked on rendering since it is a critical part of the game and jump on it when needed but also float around and support anyone else that needed help. I sometimes think that when I go on and talk about code with other people that it will push people to be a little bit more efficient then they normally are but I also think I give some small synergy and enthusiastic support since I really like to code on particular game topics. I definitely need to rethink about next sprint to tackle this and make sure the team is outputting the most workflow and what is best for the game itself. I told Brian that I love to code and I do love rendering and helping people out at the sametime. I do realize that I need to self-monitor myself so I don't get to distracted when helping other people get their tasks done since people are currently relying on me to finish my tasks but I should take into consideration that maybe if I do help people and give them support and have oversight on other people's code so as a team we can produce more code then that would actually be the best for our game and team. I'll definitely have to talk more about it with Dave and Jake. I appreciate the time and helpfulness Brian from brings to Final Project and I hope he enjoys his time here.

On another good note, I have to wake up tomorrow and meet up with Rob Coble to ask him for some advice and questions about job searching and looking. I definitely need to start stuff on the side while in final project to gear myself toward getting a job to start my game development career.

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